The Science of Today is the Technology of Tomorow.


Saturday, 2 September 2017

PSLV-C39 failure: Will the Space Business be affected by it?

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! It was 31st of August when ISRO launched its PSLV-C39 at 7 P.M. evening from the Satish Dhavan Space Centre, Shriharikota. The PSLV-C39 went to the orbits but it failed to open due to heat-shield tip, it was stuck up and failed to open in which the satellite was put. INRSS-1A was to be replaced by this INRSS-1H which was the eighth one in the NavIC Constellation. Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO)...

Saturday, 26 August 2017

The Field of Medicine Could be Changed By World's Smallest Surgical Robot

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! It is an era of technology and robotics. Day to day the innovation is going on in this field. From medical, hotels, homes, workplace everything is replaced by robots and automation. So we will see the innovation in the medical field below. This will change the whole era of it. A group of 100 British researchers and engineers have built up the world's littlest surgical robot that could upset the...

Thursday, 24 August 2017

A New option which could eliminate the emission of CO2 by 99% till 2050

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! Defining objectives to diminish carbon discharges and after that making sense of an approach to accomplish those objectives is troublesome for any nation. Presently, envision doing that for not only one country but rather 139 of them. That is the colossal undertaking a group of specialists drove by Stanford University ecological designer Mark Jacobson chose to go up against. He and his associates...


Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz!  Flight took off from Seattle-Tacoma air terminal in Washington state using 20 for every penny biofuel. A US bearer has transformed into the first to influence a business to flight using manageable power source.  An Alaska Airlines flight left from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Washington state on Monday, flying out to Reagan National Airport in Washington DC to a limited extent...

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

The Magnet Propelled Wind powered Turbine

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! As we are watching that sustainable imperativeness conveyed from the breeze has amassed much thought and support starting late however is routinely rebuked for its low yield and nonappearance of steady quality. The MagLev wind turbine, which was at first revealed at the Wind Power Asia show in Beijing, is ordinary take wind control advancement to the accompanying level with appealing levitation.  As...

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Specialists have made satisfactory water expands that could supplant plastic compartments

Hello friends. Welcome to Techniwingz! We're generally encouraged to stay hydrated and to drink a great deal of water customary, yet considering how awful plastic compartments are for the earth, H2O-in a rush doesn't seem, by all accounts, to be super reasonable. Until the point when analysts developed these 'edible water extends', that is, endeavoring to fight the measure of plastic waste we convey, and to keep people drinking water reliably.  A...

Friday, 18 August 2017


Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz!  AN UNVEILING PLAN TO HANG COLOSSAL SKYSCRAPER FROM ASTEROID. Space-scrubber: This high rise dangles from a comet, suspended in Earth's condition. Living in space has been a science fiction dream as far back as people looked upward into the stars. The Analemma Tower revives that dream. New York-based Clouds Architecture Office has a foundation set apart by making astounding and innovative...

Thursday, 17 August 2017

More than 50,000 digitized bits of vinyl would now be able to be tuned in to on Internet Archive

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! New York's ARChive of Contemporary Music (ARC) has been safeguarding varying media materials since 1985, and barely a year back, it joined forces with the Internet Archive to convey its Great 78 Project to the general population. Alongside varying media digitization merchant George Blood L.P. what's more, extra volunteers, the Great 78 Project to date has put more than 50,000 digitized 78rpm circles...

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Technology Reforms which can be Bought By Adapting Graphene

Hello everyone. Welcome to Technowingz! Graphene,  everybody is talking about it. When hearing about some of its basic properties, you might have wondered if people were confusing it some kind of substance only found in comic books. It's one atom thick conducts electricity better than silver, conducts heat better than diamond, and it is stronger than steel. It would take the focused force of an elephant balancing on a pencil point...

Monday, 14 August 2017

Energy Harvesting Tower of LaVa-Technological Innovation

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! A dynamic new symbol of feasible vitality is ascending in Heidelberg, Germany. Research center for Visionary Architecture (LAVA) simply kicked things off on another vitality stockpiling tower for Stadtwerke Heidelberg (SWH) that will be the Heidelberg's tallest building and symbolize the city's change towards renewables. Intended to supplant a current gas tank, the new tower will be wrapped in a dynamic...

SpeceX's Falcon is all set to send the Fastest Computer to ISS

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! Tomorrow, SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket is set to dispatch another group of freight and science analyses to the International Space Station, and that shipment will incorporate a supercomputer from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Called the Spaceborne Computer, the framework is a joint venture amongst HPE and NASA to check whether a business PC can be intended to toward the end in the cruel space condition. The...

Saturday, 12 August 2017

The Strongest Material-3D Graphene material

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! Graphene, in it's two dimensional form, it is thought to be the strongest of all known materials. To test the material, the researchers printed 3-D models which are purely made of commercial plastic and subjected them to various compression tests which was only to see that how much they could handle before the structure begins to crumble. It's fantastically solid and has one of a kind electrical,...

Friday, 11 August 2017

Multitasking Moss-Lamp in 21st century

Hello friends. Welcome to Technowingz! Today we will talk about the technology related to optics. We will talk about the recently launched multitasking mosslamp. It is a kind of lamp which will be beneficial and will helpful in this rapid changing world. So let's have a glance through it. TheFuture  Mosslamp is a multifunctional light, which improves the space with their surrounding light and fun loving greenery. The thought...