
Sunday, 30 July 2017

The World In 2050

Hello friends,
Welcome to the Technowings!

We can sense that the world is changing everyday as the leading logistics company worldwide Deutsche Post DHL is a driver of change. At the same time numerous factors impart our business including technology, the environment and changing social circumstances together with renowned experts we pondered what the future may hold this is how Logistics 2050 emerged. Let us join in their journey into the year 2050. What will influence everyday reality then to be prepared for the future and make the right decisions. We have to think for the alternatives. So let's strech out our imagination and look ahead.

Year 2050, simply breathtaking over 9 billion people global mass consumption. Climate change is accelerating. The rapid growth of the world trade sets the pace for business and the economy. Vast transport networks supply the world with more and more goods. The planet is running hot. Even the systematic exploitation of the natural resources cannot satisfy the appetite for growth. Competition for the natural resources puts our ecosystems at risk. Are there any alternatives?

Year 2050, a long green period for the sustainable thinking and actions mega metropolis azar centers of progress and many pillars of global cooperation but global urbanization has it’s downsides. Rural areas are left behind. Thanks to innovative and more efficient technologies. Transportation is much sustainable and faster for humans and for goods.
The world has reinvented itself. We enjoy unlimited interaction and global cooperation. But could things turn out differently?

Year 2050, our world is much more colorful,diverse and local. Technical progress especially in the 3D printing turns consumers into producers. Self-made and individually tailored become the new ethos for the society. New type of the production processes facilitate a world with a multitude of individual lifestyles. Uniform goods and mass-produced items have vanished from display windows  and apartments. The consequences of this development is not only a revolution in supply chains awareness about the need for the recycling is growing creating new commercial perspectives. It's a world characterized by diversity but are more possibilities there?

Year 2050, gloomy prospects nationalism dominates and globalization is the thing of the past. Everywhere borders are reimpose. Trade is restricted to regional blocks. Mutual mistrust leads to  high customs barriers. Stagnation is the norm. International exchange has come to a standstill. Conflicts over the natural resources are a daily occurrence. Will the future take us back to the past or are there any different worlds?

Year 2050, extreme weather conditions on supply routes force a rethink. Society retreats from risk-taking. Humanity accepts its  vulnerability. Logistics make rapid reaction and safe solutions possible. Even in emergencies an intermediate reaction is guaranteed since securing the supply chain is a top priority. Flexible high-tech solutions are applied to ensure rapid response to unforeseen events. The world has become resilient.
Different scenarios, diverging perspectives. Let us weigh our options and shape the future with today's decision at Deutsche Post DHL. We want to do our part.

Thanks for reading...
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